‘High School Musical’ star Vanessa Hudgens to film new documentary in PH

Vanessa Hudgens will be visiting the Philippines soon to film a travel documentary which will take a look at her family history and Filipino roots.

This will be the first time Vanessa will be visiting the Philippines and she will be accompanied by her sister Stella and Filipina mother Gina who will also be part of the project.

She will be visiting Palawan and Manila during the shoot set to begin by the end of this month.

“I feel like ours is such a relatable story to so many women all over the world. The more that we can share, the more we can lift each other up, ” Vanessa said.

In 2022, the actress said that she hopes her mother’s story would be turned into a movie.

“My mom is from the Philippines, and growing up, there weren’t really that many women who looked like me and my mom and my family on screen. It’s so important to share all the different stories because America is a massive melting pot,” the actress said in an interview with Glamour UK.

The documentary will be directed by Paul Soriano.

‘High School Musical’ star Vanessa Hudgens to film new documentary in PH
Source: Pinoy News Udpates PH

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